Take a walk is a site-sympathetic promenade performance. The stage unfolds beneath our feet as we progress. We walk together through familiar places but this time we see them through foreign eyes. The voice we hear through our headphones connects the reality of what we see with the fiction within which we live. We search for an intimate experience from our personal hearing. A friend whispers in your ear, you are their confidant.
The neighbourhood as protagonist
Human motives are always similar. The nuances are defined by the context, the neighbourhood, the community. The piece reinvents itself, it redefines itself as the location changes. The device is designed with the participation of a number of “natives” of the performance site. People who collaborate and imprint upon the experience, the moments we live, the freshness of the present, the risk of who lends themselves to being observed without being accustomed to it. That pulse that is fundamental in the piece. A sense of play is created, a pact of fiction on which we gamble together with eyes open to imagination, to find the unusual in everyday places.
We see them, we see ourselves in them, we walk together.
Take a walk on the wild side is a project with a clear philosophy: A piece for a place. Dramaturgy and text are new each time and exclusive for each site. We rely on these performance elements: wireless headphones, fresh air, walking. Everything else is new in each performance.